The beflattered team, all in our 40s, 50s and 60s have tried and tested lots of great products and when it comes down to fat we all agree one product is NOT going to make it go away overnight.

We firmly believe that the only approach is all round change – in fact we believe this for every problem ageing brings us. Attack it from inside and out and mend your ways if you can. The most important thing is feeling good about yourself and losing a bit of weight certainly underpins that.

We think you should take a long look at your diet. Make sure you have a healthly balanced approach for you and your family. This should be about eating to stay healthy all round and not skipping meals to stay slim and then pigging out because you think you’ve earned it.

Low Acidic Anti Inflammatory Food Pyramid 

Look at what you eat and be honest with yourself. Chose a low acidic anti inflammatory diet. Grazing is now considered the best way to lose weight. So consider 3 meals plus 2 snacks taking our Food Pyramid as your guide.

Make some Smart Diet Swaps. The good news is we still think chocolate is OK but one small dark square at a time!.

Every day a new diet tip or regime hits the media but one easy way to curb your appetite and cravings is to consider taking Spirulina as a supplement. In addition to suppressing your appetite this wonder food supplement is also very good for you.

Lifestream Lifestream Spirulina Tablets
From £17.00
Member Price: £15.30
Lifestream Spirulina Tablets
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Lamberts Professional  Lamberts Green Tea 2750mg
Member Price: £13.46
Lamberts Professional
Lamberts Green Tea 2750mg
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Spriulina contains complete balanced proteins including all eight essential amino acids, nine vitamins and 14 minerals. Not only will you lose weight but your skin will be glowing, your immune system will be strengthened and antioxidants will kick in waging war on any free radicals floating about.

Unlike other diet aids this will naturally clean your insides, improve digestion and is naturally detoxifying. And with so much going for it we think it's a health win win all round, you have nothing to lose but that unwanted fat and gain a detox without the pain.

And taking Lamberts Professional Lamberts Green Tea 2750mg is a fantastic source of antioxidants so good for your all round anti ageing but particularly known for gently increasing metabolic rate and so converting food into energy.

Dr Marilyn Glenville an expert in women's health and alternatives to HRT has formulated two high potency multivitamin and mineral supplements that contains all the most important nutrients scientifically proven to help reduce the fat from around your waist.We also love Marilyn Glenville’s book ‘Fat Around the Middle. This book is packed full of information, tips and good solid advice.

NHP NHP Nutri Support  Lose your belly
Member Price: £23.85
NHP Nutri Support "Lose your belly"
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Exercise is of course a must for all round health and especially muscle toning exercises. Walking 30 minutes a day is now a staple for good health insurance.

To help keep stress levels low a ritual of relaxation helps. We love a pre bedtime soak in [SKU:TW-055101] and a spritz of [SKU:NEL-2001327] to help aid a good nights sleep - it works wonders.

Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Night
Member Price: £4.73
Bach Original Flower Remedies
Rescue Night
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