How can you get rid of Splitting Nails?

Quench their thirst first!
Give them a good drink with some nail oil and continue with this at least twice a day. More if you can. Then start a maintainance of once a day - night time is best. You will see a difference we guarentee.

Build Up
Use a treatment Nail Polish that progressively helps to build up nail strength and fortify. How healthy you are combined with your genes will determine just how fast your nails grow. In very loose and general terms nails grow about 0.1 mm a day. This means that to grow a completely new finger nail it takes between 4 -6 months. So you need to use products to influence the nail condition for around this length of time – it won’t happen overnight.

Love-your-handsLove your hands
Use hand cream at every opportunity. Your hands give away your age secret easily so show them some respect. Especially last thing at night.

Gloves on!
Water can have a damaging effect to bare and polished nails and so unless in the shower or of course washing hands after using the loo always wear rubber gloves and cotton gloves for dusting! Why? Household detergents, wipes, polish etc all effect the nails.

Can’t be bothered?
You can of course go and have a salon manicure to keep your nails in check but once a week won’t do it you will still need to keep up your own care at home!
And if your own nails really get you down you can of course fake it! With so much to chose from Stick On’s for short term to Gel, Acrylic and now Solar nails for longer term there is a lot to choose from.

Remember though to discuss all the pros and cons and ask what will happen to your own nails underneath, as some treatments can damage the nail plate.

Beauty from Within
Although you cannot feed the nail directly from within, a good diet is essential to overall nail health. Eggs, soy, whole grains and liver are said to be extremely helpful to nails, along with foods rich in sulfur minerals like apples, cucumbers, grapes, garlic, asparagus and onions. Also, be sure your diet includes essential fatty acids from foods such as oily fish, nuts and seeds to help keep nails healthy.

Apple Oily-Fish Eggs

It’s well known that what you eat reflects in your skin and your nail too. Eat junk consistently and your skin and nails will, over time show it.

And even if you eat a reasonable diet, the nutrients in food cannot always be guaranteed, so taking a good Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement specifically formulated for nails is good health and skin and nail insurance. Read our take on why take supplements.