How to do an Anti-Ageing Pedicure at home

Aromatic Repair Balm a godesnd for dry and old looking feet

Step 1: GATHER
Get together all your tools and products because when you are soaking your feet, you ain’t going anywhere! For an anti-ageing pedicure you will need:
  • Purifying Nail Polish Remover we think the best is
  • Cotton Wool Balls
  • Bowl to soak feet or have a bath (but take a book you need to soak feet for 10 minutes)
  • Olive Oil from the kitchen
  • Small towel
  • Exfoliating Foot Scrub
  • Toe Nail Clippers 
  • Callus Stone - pick a robust one like Tweezerman Pedro Callus Stone
  • Crystal Nail File [SKU:ES-4900] gets our vote
  • Foot Moisturiser 
  • More intensive treatment for when you want extra luxury - we love [SKU:AP-M025] we know it's for hands but it works wonders on feet too.
  • Cotton socks

Optional - if you want to trat your cuticles too

  • Cuticle Remover
  • Cuticle Oil - go for a rich nutrient oil like [SKU:ES-6030]
  • Pushy Tool - go for metal as its more hygienic - we think the best is [SKU:TW-3315-R]

Step 2: PREP
Remove any nail polish using cotton wool balls that are infused with nail polish remover. Place the infused cotton wool onto the nail for a few seconds and then draw up from cuticle to nail tip. Turn ball over and repeat until polish is completely removed. Avoid rubbing as this can stain the skin around the nail.

Step 3: SOAK
Put a few drops of olive oil into the warm water in your bowl. Soak feet to soften skin and nails for 10 minutes. Or do this stage in the bath if you prefer. Pat feet dry.

Use a callus stone to treat hard skin and corns. Rub gently and evenly. ( if you have very  cracked heels and if they are bleeding leave this step out until they have heeled a bit)

Exfoliate feet and ankles to remove dead skin and make skin more receptive to treatment moisturisers

Depending on the required length, trim nails with clippers always cutting straight across the top of your nail, do not cut the sides at an angle. Use a glass nail file to smooth edges. Always file in one direction and don't saw! Toenails should never hang over the tip of your toes.

Step 7: BE PUSHY
If you go to a salon for a pedicure they will treat the cuticles on your toes the same way as your hands.
If you want to add this stage in: Apply cuticle remover to cuticles and leave for recommended time and then with  the hoof end of a pushy tool and using circular movements, gently push back the cuticle following your natural nail shape. Taking care not to push too hard and remember cuticles are your gatekeepers making sure infections don't creep in. You can use an orange stick but we think these are hard and can splinter and be uneven.. Also wood is not very hygienic.

Step 8: QUENCH
Apply a rich nourishing cuticle oil for a good quench and moisturise.

Step 9: DRENCH
Apply moisturising foot cream massage into foot, cuticles and nails.

Slide your feet into some cotton socks so that they soak up the treatment more effectively. This also keeps your feet warm and pores of your skin open to soak up moisture more effectively.

We think you should treat your feet to a serious pamper once a week before bed and give your nail polish the night off so your toe nails soak up moisture and improve while you sleep.


Although you cannot feed the feet directly a good diet is essential to overall  health. For nails Eggs, soy, whole grains and liver are said to be extremely helpful , along with foods rich in sulfur minerals like apples, cucumbers, grapes, garlic, asparagus and onions. Also, be sure your diet includes essential fatty acids from foods such as oily fish, nuts and seeds to help keep nails and skin healthy.
