Vitamin D 400iu

What is it?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which can either be ingested in food or manufactured by the body as a result of sunlight falling on the skin. People who feel they do not get enough sunshine often choose to supplement their diet with extra Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, as well as teeth, and is also thought to be important for a healthy immune system. Each tablet provides a full 400iu of vitamin D.

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Unlock the potential ! Or make the most of your vitamins

Vitamins work in a synergistic way with each other, to ensure you get the right balance and unlock the potential of your supplements always take a Mult-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement as well. At we think you are wasting your money if you don't.

How long should you take this for?

To gain maximum benefits from supplements they should be taken for 3 months or more to really see the benefit – not a sales spiel a fact!

How long will it last?

120 days

What should I take? The manufacturers recommendation!

1per day

Common Sense

Food supplements should not be a substitute for a varied diet

Anything else you need to know?

Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Keep out of sight and the reach of children

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Brand: Lamberts Professional

Recent research on vitamin D adds weight to the argument that we should all watch our vitamin D intake. As many as 60 percent of the UK population is vitamin D deficient and low levels have been linked to serious health problems in later life

120 tablets  £4.95

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We also stock Vitamin D in an Oral Spray format too

What's in it?

Each tablet delivers: Vitamin D 10µg (400iu)

Tabletted with DiCalcium Phosphate, Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Stearic Acid, Magnesium Stearate.

Disintegration time: less than 1 hour
