Rescue Remedy Spray

What is it? A remedy to be used in times of stress and emergencies in convenient spray.   Always keep handy in your drawer at work or in your handbag.
Read more of what's in this product....

Is it suitable for vegetarians?

How long should you take this for?
As necessary

How long will it last?
Depends on individual requirement

What should I take? The manufacturers recommendation!
2 sprays

Contra Indications & Caution
Keep away from children

Common Sense
Be responsible if you are worried about your stress or sleep levels always visit your GP for advice

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Brand: Bach Original Flower Remedies

Rescue Remedy Spray ia a world famous remedy for quickly restoring inner calm.

Only the Bach signature guarantees that you will receive the original Bach Original Flower Remedies, prepared as they have been since Dr Bach's time, with tinctures made exclusively by the Bach Centre at Mount Vernon.

7ml  £7.08
20ml  £7.75

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Whats in it?

Impatients, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose & Clematis
