The Best Products for Cracked Heels

Dry and Cracked heels are a very common problem for ageing feet. Greying callused heels hanging over pretty sling-backs or that zipping sound as you slide into bed at night are your feet saying "HELP give me a drink of moisture now!" Considering in a lifetime the average person walks over 6500 km it's not surprising that feet start to look craggy if not cared for when we get older.
Always keep your feet clean
When showering don’t forget to give them your feet a wash too. Dry thoroughly with a separate towel if you can and keep that just for your feet.
Our user triallers of the Dry Skin Body Brush said that they noticed an improvement to their dry cracked heels so we think that's a good start every day - in fact for all over skin improvement.
Day and night it only takes one extra minute to slap some on quickly. Slather a rich, rich moisturiser into your heels and reboot moisture levels immediately.
We love a product with a good ingredient story and this product has one of the best
Why it’s great
This super rich little miracle worker contains Certified UMF 16+ Manuka Honey that comes from New Zealand and means it’s the best honey money can buy. Providing the highest levels of natural antioxidants an anti- inflammatory help for even sensitive skin. Fantastic for helping to heal up your Cracked Heels and treat feet to a real moisture reboot.
Manuka Honey has been used by the locals in New Zealand for decades to help treat wounds and so it makes short work of dry cracked skin.
BUFF AND POLISH UP only when the cracks have healed up.