Painless Tweeze

What's in it?

A mild pain relief

How does it work its magic?

Numbs the area for a short while making plucking a little less painful

What does it feel like?

A cooling gel

What skin type does it suit?

All Skin types
Especially anyone who can't stand the pain of plucking their own eyebrows!
We always suggest a patch test before using for the first time just to be on the safe side.

How should you use it?

Use before eye brow tweezing to desensitize and cleanse skin.
Just dab onto brow area. Wait approximately 2-3 minutes for skin to numb.
Pluck away! Repeat if numbing wears off.

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A god send for those of us who can’t bare the pain of plucking or waxing and so let our eyebrows run riot.

This gel from Ardell gently numbs the brow area for pain free plucking and tweezing.

3ml  £7.50

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