What are your options to get rid of or diminish Age Spots?

Your options to diminish Age Spots are many, from great promises in a jar, frequenting a dermatologist or getting clever with your make-up. All of course depend heavily on your bank balance, your patience and your pain barrier. Ouch!


So from now on STAY OUT OF THE SUN. This is a bit like crying after the milk is split but it will help prevent your Age Spots from getting worse amd more from coming.

Wear a sun screen such as  all the time when your skin is exposed to the sun

Cosmeceuticals – Surgery in a jar
There are options for fading your age spots at home and whilst this takes perseverance the potions available today combine excellent overall skincare benefits so just simply replace your daily moisturiser with one that contains proven scientific ingredients that help fade and diminish age spots and pigmentation marks and uneven skin tone

Look for ingredients like Licorice Extract A mild antioxidant which inhibits the production of Tyrosinase, and enzyme produced by the body to start the production of melanin, i.e. pigmentation.

Bearberry Extract is also a natural skin lightener and Retinyl Palmitate and Salicylic Acid Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) that both help to increase cell turnover and slough off old dead skin cells leaving brighter new ones behind.

Recent studies in Japan report good results from products containing licorice, and stable forms of Vitamin C. Stable Vitamin C supports cellular renewal and the production of collagen (the skins major structural support).


There are a number of treatments available for Age Spots. Women who are troubled by these dark patches and let’s face it we all are, can consult with a dermatologist to find the right solution for them.

One of the professional treatment options for Age Spots is to use prescribed medication to lighten them up. Creams that can bleach the skin over time are available by prescription only. Some of them contain steroids and instructions must be followed to the letter.

A chemical peel can be used to minimise the appearance of Age Spots. This technique involves applying an acid onto the skin. The acid burns the top layer of the skin, which also removes the Age Spot. If a superficial chemical peel is used, several applications may be needed before the portion of the skin affected is significantly lighter. If you choose this type of treatment for age spots, you must use sunscreen when going outside to avoid exposing the treated skin to UV rays.

Derma-brasion is another option available when it comes to treating these spots. With this type of treatment the outer layer of the skin is sanded down with a special rotating brush. As a result, the top layer of the skin is removed and it is replaced by a new layer of skin. If you are considering this remedy for age spots your skin may be red have some scabs after the procedure.

A dermatologist may recommend freezing to treat age spots. This form of treatment involves applying a freezing agent, such as liquid nitrogen, to the spots. Once the freezing agent comes into contact with the skin, it destroys the excess melanin. The skin then needs to heal and once this process has been completed, the skin in the treated area appears lighter. This option is generally used for small age spots or in a limited area. There is a risk of permanent scarring associated with freezing and this fact must be considered before the patient agrees to this form of treatment.

Laser therapy may be used to treat Age Spots. The laser effectively destroys the dark pigment in the skin that causes the discoloration without destroying the top layer of skin. If you choose this treatment option you will be likely to need several treatment sessions to get the results you are looking for. This treatment option is effective, but can be quite expensive.
