BodyTox Detox Foot Patches

Whats in it?

Bodytox Detox Foot Patches work as a result of the combination of high quality ingredients which create one of three things; negative ions, far infra-red heat and absorption of unwanted toxins

Applied to 3 zones of the foot at bedtime. Absorb accumulated waste matters and are disposed of in the morning.

Read more of what's in this product....

How long should you take this for?

Manufacturer recommends:dependant on the individual may require up to 15 days for maximum benefit

How long will it last?

10 application

Contra Indications & Caution

none known ensure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients

Anything else you need to know?

As the blood circulates to the soles of the feet. A powerful mixture of ingredients which encourage the release of toxins.

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Brand: Bodytox

The simple, effective and most natural way to detoxify with BodyTox Detox Foot Patches

Trial pack of 2 patches  £3.85
14 Patches  £19.20

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Whats in it?

Wood vinegar, Tourmaline, Chitosan, Mugwort Extract, Pearl Stone, Highly Purified Silica, Polyolic Alcohol, Starch
