BioCare Isoflavone Complex

What is it?

A natural source of plant phyto-oestrogens that when metabolised may help support oestrogen levels associated with menopause
Read more of what's in this product....

Is is suitable for vegetarians?

yes and for vegans

Unlock the potential ! Or make the most of your vitamins

Vitamins work in a synergistic way with each other, to ensure you get the right balance and unlock the potential of your supplements always take a Mult-Vitamin and Mineral Supplement as well. At we think you are wasting your money if you don't.

How long should you take this for?

To gain maximum benefits from supplements they should be taken for 3 months or more to really see the benefit – not a sales spiel a fact!

How long will it last?

25 days

What should I take? The manufacturers recommendation!

10g per day

Contra Indications & Caution

Not suitable for use during pregnancy or if pregnancy is being planned, whilst breastfeeding or for young children under 5 yrs old. From Soya

Common Sense

Do not exceed the stated recommended daily intake. This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

Anything else you need to know?

Store below 30C in a dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. Keep out of sight and the reach of children

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Brand: BioCare

Fermented Soy with vitamins B6 & E & L.acidophilus in Biocare Isoflavone Complex

250g  £20.75

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Whats in it?

Typically per One level tablespoon (approx 10g) mixed into water, milk or juice or sprinkled onto food

SoyLife (Soy Isoflavones) 5g (providing a natural source of plant phyto-oestrogens & isoflavones: Diadzein, Genistein & Glycitein)
Vitamin E 40mg (providing 60i.u. )
Lactobacillus acidophilus 19.8mg (providing approx 1.4 billion cells, if stored correctly
Vitamin B6 5mg

SoyLife (Soy isoflavones), Fructose, Propylene Glycol, Modified Tapioca Starch,, Potato Maltodextrin, Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate), Lactobacillus, acidophilus, Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride), Natural Vanilla.
